Abstract Detail

Rahul Hajare
Sandip University, India
The corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) has caused millions of instances, and this circumstance has made scientists feel compelled to create a unique cure. Due to the strong spreading properties that increased the death rate, medical professionals administered a limited number of drugs, including hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, dexamethasone, and remdesivir. An alternative Ayurvedic treatment that is safe and has no side effects can be helpful even when a medication has been approved and vaccinations have been given to combat the symptoms. As a result, this study is focused on a select group of potential plants that have powerful chemical components that support the body's defenses against illness, lower inflammation, supply antioxidants, and enhance resistance. Consequently, the protein crystalline structure of SARS-CoV-2 Mpro and an in silico analysis of a few selected markers against 6LU7 were carried out in the current study. The average binding energies of the following compounds were found: -5.66, -6.00, -6.46, -6.40, -6.91, -6.51, -6.34, -6.46, -6.99, -6.82, -6.51, -7.85, and -6.35 kcal/mol for nobiletin, tangeretin, sideroxylonal C, coriandron, epicatechin, epigallactocatechin gallate, luteolin, ombuin, Tamarixetin, 6-deacetylnimbin, nimbolide, and tricin, respectively. Furthermore, nine bioactive markers, including nimbolide, ombuin, epicatechin, EGCG, tamarixetin, tangeretin, and nobiletin, exhibit comparable binding sites to the synthetic drug Remdesivir, which are PHE140, CYS145, GLU166, and GLN189.
Dr. Rahul Hajare attends the Vedanta Institute in Kolkata. He graduated from Nagpur University with an M.Pharm. He works as an academic at Sandip University. He attends the Hindu University of America as a scholar. He works as a postdoctoral fellow at the Indian Council of Medical Research's Dr. Ramesh S. Paranjape National AIDS Research Institute, which is well known and highly esteemed worldwide.